Room 21

Your window to our classroom learning

Week 6



We started our unit on measurement. We learned about ‘am’ and ‘pm’ and found it very interesting learning about different time zones. I have asked students to bring in a small box for us to use in our measurement unit next week.

Science and Literacy

Last week, students made slime. We observed the properties of our slime and explained whether we thought it was a solid, liquid or gas. Next, students created a procedural text.

This week, we did a salt density experiment. We observed and compared how objects behave when placed in fresh water and salt water. We learned that not all liquids behave the same. Salt water increases the mass of the water, making the water denser. The salt water was denser than the egg, potato and food colouring so they floated while they sunk in fresh water. Students then created a scientific report to share their findings.


In Geography, we have been learning about different environments and where they are located in the world.

Students were presented with a number of images of different environments. They wrote words or a statement about what came to their mind when they saw the images.

Nude Food Day

To help our environment we would like for you to try and bring NUDE FOODS every Wednesday. NUDE FOODS are foods without plastic wrapping so that it doesn’t have to go to land fill. As a class we came up with some ideas for what we could do on Wednesdays:

  • Put our sandwich straight into our lunchbox without cling wrap
  • Put our fruit in small reusable plastic containers
  • Buy a larger packet of biscuits or chips and put a small portion straight into our lunch box instead of buying lots of small packets

Lighting up the Arts

Lighting up the arts is fast approaching. In class and music time we have been practising our songs and choreography in preparation for the big night. If you have not signed and returned the consent form, please do so this week.


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